Prison Workout II. How to Level Up Any Workout

I have seen many body weight workouts floating around so I thought it would be helpful to discuss how to tailor one of these workouts to make it better for you on an individual basis.

Any workout can be too hard or too easy for the individual so I wanted to discuss some easy ways to increase the intensity of any workout if the workout does not have enough difficulty for your level of fitness.

Some of these points are obvious but some are more subtle and can change an exercise from really easy to really hard.

  • Increase Volume. You can always add more reps.

  • Increase weight: If you have weight to add that is easy. What if you do not have weight available?

  • The next level is to slow the tempo of the movement. You can slow to a 6 to 8 second movement tempo.

  • If that is still not enough go to a full isometric hold.

  • Examples: Body weight squats. 10 reps. If this is too easy, you can start with an Isometric hold at 90 degrees for 60 seconds and then follow with the 10 reps. You can add the isometric hold to any of the exercises in a workout. This is called time under tension. The level of intensity rises quickly.

  • You can also add more velocity to a movement. For example: Increase the speed of your standing jumps. 

  • You can rest less between sets, but this will impact your overloads if you are trying to improve strength or power. It will make a workout more metabolically challenging, but that is not always better.

  • You can change the angle. Example: Foot elevated pushups.    

The above changes can be applied to abdominal exercises, pushups, pullups, dumbbell rows, overhead presses etc.

Below is the Prison Workout II with the above intensity principles applied to the exercises.

Do one set of each exercise listed below followed by the next exercise until you get through all 4 sets in all 4 exercises. This workout is designed so you can cover more ground in less time. 

  1. Body Weight SquatsSet 1: Isometric hold at 90 degrees for 60 seconds follow with 10 reps. Set 2: 1:15 min hold with 8 reps. Set 3: Repeat one more time. Set 4:  60 second hold followed by 8 standing explosive jumps.

  2. Pushups: Set 1: Slow descent, 8 seconds for 8 reps. Repeat this for 3 more sets (remember you can elevate your feet for more intensity).

  3. Inverted Row or Pullup: Find a towel and a tree or some other way of draping the ends of the towel over something sturdy. Set 1: Do a pull up with a 6 second descent. If you cannot do the pullup jump up and let yourself down slowly. Do 8 reps total and repeat for 3 more sets. 

  4. Frog Leg Ab Crunch. Lay on your back with heels together, knees at 45 degrees, and hands straight up overhead. Keep a neutral neck and raise your shoulders up by flattening your stomach into the floor. If you are doing this correctly, you will not move more than 4 to 6 inches. It is a great transverse abdominal exercise and will help with a flatter stomach. Set 1: 30 second isometric hold followed immediately by 12-15 reps or add intensity by adding a slow descent. Your hands should be over your face or behind the plane of your head. If you want it more difficult move your arms further back over your head. Repeat for 3 more sets.

Once you finish all 4 sets of the above go to the Second half below. 

Second half: This is what I call a Maximum Sustainable Power set. The first half has given you some really good muscle activation, so you should be ready for this.

Counter Movement Jump:  (More advanced would be a jumping split squat) Set 1: see how many jumps you can execute in a row and still maintain maximum height. You will probably be able to do 8 to 10.

Second Set: Do 3 jumps rest for 15 seconds and repeat until you exceed the maximum total jumps you did in the first set by 50 percent. In other words if you did 10 jumps in a row at maximum in the first set you would do 3 jumps rest for 15 seconds and repeat 5 times or more if you can keep up the max jump effort. At the end of these cluster sets you now did 15 reps total at maximum instead of 10. Remember you need to jump at max effort each jump. If you need a little more rest go up to 20 seconds between the 3 jumps.

Full recovery: 3-5 mins. You can add one of the above exercises during recovery that does not involve legs if there is an area you want to overload. Abs, pushups, etc. If not, just rest.

Set 2: Repeat. Now this set you may not get the same number of total reps as you did in the last set. Just stop if you are not getting max effort on each jump.  Make a note of how many total you did for the next time you do this workout.

Set 3: Repeat

Remember you are trying to keep the velocity as high as possible!!

If you do over 2 sets you are venturing into the next level of fitness. Good luck and make sure you are getting max effort